Turn 4: discovered the Haroshems on Kurhah, which reduce Food consumption by 10% when assimilated and have a system with 4 planets and a Hyperium deposit. I abolished the Cram Exam Act and passed the New Colony Rule (+20% Food on outposts, +25 Approval for 20 turns on systems after acquiring a new system). Turn 3: I'll colonize Kuma in less than 15 turns. The Hardship Ready law gives me +15 Approval, -50% terraforming cost, and allows me to colonize any non-gas planet with a 25% FIDS penalty, if I don't have the correct technology. I passed the Cram Exam Act (+3 Science per pop, -2 Approval per pop). Turn 1: changed the blueprint for my Colonizer (to give him 9 speed), the blueprint for my Explorer (to give him another probe module, instead of its weapon module), and the blueprint for my hero ship (which I assigned to my Explorer).

My sessions with the ESG mod tend to be a little more interesting than this, and this session felt pretty close to the same difficulty that I would get from the unmodded game, so I probably won't be using the Enhanced Space 2 mod in the future. After making an alliance with the Riftborn and the Sophons on turn 45, I went for the home system of Horatio, the United Empire, the Cravers, and Lumeris, for a quick Supremacy victory. I fell into a war with them, when I made an alliance with the Vaulters on turn 48.

The Cravers started threatening me from turn 32 but they never attacked me with a serious fleet, even though they were close to me. For example, I spliced the Kalgeros on turn 33, the Remnants on turn 50, the Gnashast on turn 53, the Pilgrims and Z'Vali on turn 63, Horatio AI on turn 66, and the Haroshems on turn 72. When playing as Horatio, the main thing to keep in mind is to save the splicing for the mid or late game, when you can afford to lose the Industry and Science that is being produced by those few pops. galaxy Horatio AI, United Empire, and Cravers this is an album that contains all of the images below I'm going to summarize my overall strategy first, and then I'll go into detail about what happened. So I prefer the ESG mod because it makes the game feel more interesting and it provides better quality-of-life updates, such as more galaxy options, more custom faction options, Approval values can go above 100, being able to attack twice in 1 turn per fleet etc. I don't understand what type of "balancing" this mod is trying to implement, but it made the game feel less challenging and I believe it reduced the amount of tough choices that I had to make. I was playing at the highest difficulty possible, and yet I had the second highest score from turn 33 and the highest score from turn 62. high influence numbers are much easier to obtain.

the vision range of all ships was heavily reduced. a lot of planets were changed from hot or cold (which were renamed to burning and freezing) to temperate. Approval affects the Industry of a system, just like it does for Food and Influence. I'm going to be honest, I did not enjoy the following changes made by the Enhanced Space 2 mod: The galaxy seed is 28613, Supremacy DLC / Awakening DLC / Dark Matter DLC / super weapons / Academy quest / multiplayer quests are disabled, minor civilizations are on Hard, and I played on Endless difficulty against these custom factions: Cravers, Riftborn, Sophon, Vaulters, Horatio, Lumeris, United Empire. I'm not expecting people to read everything instead, I suggest you use the search function on your web browser (Ctrl + F) in order to find the specific information that you want to know. This is supposed to be like a Let's Play YouTube video, but in text form with some pictures, so you don't have to spend hours in order to experience my game.